Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fall is the season for cooking!

As I write this, it's a sunny (mostly) Saturday afternoon. It's cool and quite windy. The leaves we have enjoyed over the last weeks are now falling briskly. I took some photos today in the yard to remind myself how remarkable it is to have flowers still in bloom on November 15th. No doubt, their days are numbered. Clarke is feeling strong enough to be back in the kitchen now and then and has a big pot of chicken corn soup simmering on the stove. The fragrance is so comforting. Nothing beats a pot of home made soup, and, I can hardly wait for dinner time. During this season of Clarke's recovery, I have been concentrating on nutrition and cooking healthfully. One recipe I have made and am ready to make again is called "Magic Mineral Broth". It is worth every bit of your time. The broth can be sipped alone or used as a base of many other recipes where you would use a vegetable broth. The broth also freezes well so you can have it on hand. The author of One Bite at a Time, Chef Rebecca Katz, developed this recipe to help cancer patients build their immunity. You can find the recipe at You will be an instant fan. All the nutrition experts are stressing the necessity for a widely-varied, plant based diet - so bring home a load of vegetables and get out the soup pot. We can all use a little "magic." Fall is the season for cooking!


I Shoot Things said...

i absoultley love the food that you and your husband cook. mmmmm mmmmm, so yummy!

Diana Dyer said...

Magic Mineral Broth is delicious and worth the time to make as you have found. I also make it or some variation of it all the time. I am currently thawing some right now to make a big pot of soup for dinner. Glad you found that helpful and hopeful cookbook!